This website contains my ongoing
genealogical research
The information on this website is freely given and should not be used for commercial purposes
Photo Mystery

Can you identify any person in this photograph Downes Estate of Downe's Estate staff (Crediton, Devon).The photograph was taken on 25 September 1907. If you can identify any person, please send me an e-mail at the address below.

A big thank you to the following people who have helped me with my research
Jean ByeNikki Cooper
Brenda CraneMary Dean
David FlitcroftBrenda Grafton
Alfred HaillsValerie Hewson
Sue KendallDavid Kerfoot
Irene KimptonMike Kimpton
John LittlefieldSharron Mustoe
Kay O'BrienJane Randall
David SpencerPam Tinkler
Jillian Williams 
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